The great mental debate... Picking a third child's name

I'll admit with my first two children picking names was a little too easy. My son is named after my Papa (my father's side) and my daughter's name is my great grandmothers maiden name. There both filled with history and meaning, and I absolutely fan girl over the unpopularity of my son's name. No I am not exaggerating when I hear people have the same name as my son all I can think of is the audacity of these parents I don't even know to steal my sweet sons name. Who do they think they are?  My daughters name is Harper and she happens to be born soon after the Beckhams daughter so there is a slew of little ones the same age running around in a whirlwind of celebrity fad names. I do however delight in the fact that she actually has a little meaning behind her name.

Things some consider when picking a second, third, fourth ect. child's name.....

Old or new?

I am personally not a fan of naming children whatever you happened to think up between cravings. I know this is the way it usually happens but I strongly believe theres something special about being named for where you come from, at least in some way or another. The problem here is there is also the people who believe the same. Family members like my grandma for instance who did the same with some of her many children. So all those names are basically out, and coming up with unused yet unique names gets more difficult with each new addition.

Do you want names that sound the same, or have coordinating syllables?

You also have to consider how they are going to sound when paired up with your other children's names. My 2 don't have these things so I feel like for me it can be overlooked as long as they sound good said in a sentence together.I can't mentally get around them not coordinating in some way or another when I am yelling to the playroom to clean up their toys, or calling them in for dinner. I feel like if you start off a theme stick with it. Example please don't be all Pebbles, BamBam, and Salvadore. Poor little Salvadore will feel all alone in the family name rank.


Please note by "Duggar-Style" I in no way am referring to the multitudes of children added to the clan almost constantly. Nope this one is all about the first Initial. Do you want your kids to have the same letter first? Or even split one letter for boys and one letter for girls? Mine is B for my son and H for my daughter.I've been researching like crazy trying to see if maybe this is a concept we can get behind but so far no such luck.

Unique spelling?

While I do appreciate old fashioned names I do love the idea of tweaking the spelling a little bit to make it your own. I haven't yet done this with my kids but it is a nice idea for taking a name that may even be common and making it personalized just for your little one.

Terrible nickname in the making?

Every parent-to-be has known the awful process of crossing names off of your potential list because they remind you of someone who you don't like or doesn't fit the bill for how you envision your child to be. Somehow unfortunately people can overlook the names that may fly out of other people's (maybe even your own) mouth when addressing your child especially as a baby. Do the potential names have unmentionable, easy to tease, or even offensive sounding outcomes? Can you make up a terrible rhyme a little too quickly like some children may try to do in the future? While not the most fun part of choosing a name it may be an important step to try out.

I'm still on the hunt for a name that will be the perfect fit for our little family. I know I want an older name probably British or Irish with meaning. Fit for my child alone that feels just right. When I call it in succession with my other little love bugs it will fall into place seamlessly. If I can find an unclaimed an unpopular family name all the better! Till then at least I know the types of names I'm looking for. If your in the same boat happy hunting!!
