DIY egg crack pregnancy announcement

I have 2 beautiful children both of whitch we announced by just telling everyone straight out almost immediately after discovering I was pregnant. But guess what?!?! I recently found out I'm working on babers number 3! This time around I really wanted to do something special and after pouring over countless YouTube videos and google images, I decided on a homemade twist on a quail egg announcement you can buy on Etsy. Now that we're going to be a family of 5 its more important to be budget conscious than ever and this is an adorable yet affordable way to reveal a pregnancy to family and friends. So here's what I did and there is so many ways to make it your own so I hope you enjoy!

Here's what you'll need:

  • Eggs (One for every announcement you'll be making)
  • Pin
  • Decorations for your eggs (optional) Examples- paint, stickers, tissue paper, egg dye
  • Small boxes, or a vessel for handing them out
  • Paper with your personalized message on it

Start by poking a pinhole in the top of your eggs and a small hole at the bottom- this one needs to be around a quarter of an inch or slightly larger. Then blow the insides of the egg out through the larger hole. If you can manage to not get shells into the eggs now is a great time to make scrambled eggs! Rinse the egg shells carefully out with a swish or two of water. Then set them to dry out completely on paper towels. (Make sure they are 100% dry as my MIL ended up with a message that was half blurred)

Its time to figure out your message! The picture below is what we chose to put inside our eggs this was very suited for our announcement because we chose to give them out on Easter. You can write whatever you want just try to keep it short and sweet so it will fit in the egg with ease.

When they are completely dry the eggs will be brittle so be gentle for this next part and making a couple extras is never a bad idea! Roll up your announcement as tight as you can get it. Using a small paint brush to wrap it around is a great way to have a cute rolled up note that will still be compact enough to fit in. Ensure that the note is smaller than the egg and insert it into the hole on the bottom of the egg.

If you want you can put a small piece of tape over the hole on the bottom of the egg fully covering the hole. I personally didn't and I had people asking me how I got the message in the egg no one noticed the hole.

Now the fun part, DECORATE!! There is so many things you can do to give your eggs a little bit of whimsy or fun. You can even use this as a way to get your kids involved in there first big sibling job for the new baby. I highly recommend you use whatever you have around the house there's no need to go out and buy stuff to decorate when your bound to have some paint or glitter lying around. We used egg dye since it was Easter and I let the kids decorate our eggs as this was their surprise announcement too. Another cool trick is to use small squares of tissue paper and podge them all over the egg.

Next up take a small box just big enough for your egg and put in some paper grass or other soft product to cradle your egg. If you can make the paper grass form the shape of a cute little birds nest you get bonus points ;) Write the words "Crack Me" on the lid of the box or on a piece of paper you can drape over your egg if you'd prefer.(I actually decided to skip this step we cut the egg carton to the size we needed for our eggs and my kids handed them out to our relatives as if they had just made them dipped eggs. They were all confused when we told them to crack them. Well all except my dad who cracked his on my sons head whitch was pretty funny.)

Everyone loved the announcement because they had never seen it before and it was so much fun to have the kids involved too. I'll add the pictures of people opening the eggs and their reactions once I get a hold of my moms camera but it definatly was a huge hit especially for that price you can't go wrong. I hope you enjoy this little DIY and if your expecting Congrats!

Happy Easter!
