People who choose to have children have more stress than people without

I recently read an article about how people who have children have a higher amount of stress than people without. This made me think about the stress I have in my everyday life and how that stress relates to my children. What I discovered is that that article was correct. I have some form of stress everyday relvolving around my children.

Where it was wrong was the assumption of causes, I'm not stressed because my children are wild little hellions that trash the house and act out. (Although they do have their moments.) I'm stressed because of worrying about my children and ensuring they have an fantastic childhood that shapes them into the amazing adults I know their meant to be.  I'm stressed over whether they are eating right, hitting developmental milestones, and making friends. I truly believe its the good kind of stress because im worrying about someone other than myself and trying to make the world a better place for the little ones who are going to be taking it over. I would take a stress filled life balanced out with kisses, cuddles, and goofy grins any day over a stress free life going through the motions without my little legacies giving me new memories every day. Children may cause a larger amount of stress because your faced with a larger amount of responsibility. Being there for your children everyday is not a burden but a blessing. I feel bad for those who willingly choose not to have children because for them they will never know the humbling feeling you'll get knowing that your not the most important thing in your life. Putting your children first and stressing over them can be hard, but for every hard and stressful moment there is two heartmelting and handholding ones. This is the kind of stress I would wish on my best friend or worst enemy, the kind of stress life was made for.
