Don't forget the reason for the season

Every year of my so far 5 years of mom-ing I have grappled with Christmas. When I was a child I was so blessed to have piles of gifts under the tree Christmas morning. I would stay up in bed with butterflies in my tummy dreaming of what I may get to open in the morning. I now know how hard my parents worked to provide that for us just to see our faces light up with surprise and wonder as we opened our gifts. I now have those same feelings when it comes to my children. I want to give them everything I had and more. However I also realize out of those many gifts I received I can recall what very few of them were and I certainly don't have any today to show for it. I do remember our family boxing day parties and playing hide and seek with my cousins. I think of baking with my mom or when the snow was piled outside taller than me, even hunting for two snow flakes that were the exact same even though it is said to be impossible.

I want my children to appreciate what they have but I'm not sure they can do that while tearing through everything they asked for. There not always on their best behavior but that doesn't stop me from wanting them to have everything they want. The fact is they simply don't need it. I used to believe there is one time a year when we can grant our children's greatest wishes, I now realize it may be more productive to teach them to have bigger wishes. I want to show them to wish for others and work towards things that will help them in the future, towards something they can cherish forever and not for a few months. I know now when I dream of Christmas I dream of snuggling them while we sip hot chocolate, or make goofy ornaments for the tree. I want them to dream of sparkling snow and snowmen, not a my little pony set that's $45.99 on a good day or a ninja turtle as tall as my son.

I don't feel there is anything wrong with Santa bringing them that one special gift they cross there tiny fingers and toes hoping for. I encourage them to write him their letters and make special drawings for him. I believe in the magic in the season, rain turning to light glittering snow, perfect snow angels, moments that turn out just perfect. I want that for them, I want memories that they will carry as I have carried mine. Piles of gifts don't fulfill my wish for their Christmas to be magical, family dinner, laughing with there cousins, and little reindeer hoof prints on the lawn do. Christmas to me is a feeling too big to be wrapped in any wrapping paper. This year I still got my children the top things they wanted or needed on their lists. I also cut back a lot and am putting in more quality time to make memories and see there smiles light up even without tearing off mounds of wrapping paper. Whether you choose to get your child 1 or 100 presents I hope you wont forget the true meaning of the holiday. Give them something to remember, give them family time and magic.
