I tried to get NAKED... with Herbal Essences

So I just did a review on Herbal Essences Naked Shine Shampoo, and Naked Shine Conditioner and was so impressed with them I could not wait to try my third product from #HerbalEssences and +BzzAgent the Herbal Essences Naked Dry Shampoo. One of the great things about this product is that it is naked of all silicones, dyes, and parabens. My philosophy is if you don't need it don't have it, why add a bunch of chemicals to your scalp when you can go without them and get the same results. I have never tried a dry shampoo but have wanted to for a long time so I was really excited when this product was offered to me and I #GotItFree from +BzzAgent.

So I rolled out of bed went straight to the bathroom and took a couple of pictures my hair is a little messy, a little greasy, and wavy/annoying.


Apparently all I need to wash my hair this morning is a hair brush and Herbal Essences Dry Shampoo scented with citrus and mint extracts.
 The directions say to shake it, shake it again, then spray it on and work into your roots or wherever you like. Then brush out as desired. Immediately after shaking being the genius that I am I sprayed it onto my hand. It was then that I discovered its a liquid while I expected it to be a dry or powdery mousse texture. So I switched it up and sprayed a little on my roots, it sprays out really quickly so I did a sweeping motion but I tried to only use a little at first since there's no type of guide for how much you actually need. I worked it in and it seemed to have zero effect so I added more and then worked it in again. Now my hair is smelling amazing like oranges with a hint of mint. However its looking really shiny like greasy shiny and it doesn't feel clean at all.
 I brush my hair out, then decide I feel gross and can't stop thinking all the product I just added into my hair sitting near my face all day is going to be causing me to get pimples. I think for me this whole experience is not what I was hoping. I'm going to have to give it a big fat fail. Adding a little didn't absorb the grease and adding a lot made it worse. I'm now dying to finish this review so I can get a shower and return to the Herbal Essences Naked Shine Shampoo and Conditioner reviewed here : http://crashtmommy.blogspot.ca/2015/10/i-got-naked-with-herbal-essences.html The only thing I liked or maybe even loved about this product was the scent. The citrus mints extracts have my hair smelling crazy good I'm thinking the rest of this can will probably be used in small sprays when I blow dry my hair out of the shower so I can steal the scent. This product does have a really low price point if you want to try it out for some reason you can get it at Wal-Mart for only $3.98. For me this was not the best representation of the Herbal Essences Brand but I do really love their products. The results they generally give for the price point offered is fantastic.

I would really be interested to know if there is a dry shampoo you have tried and has provided amazing results. With the easy fast application if there is one that works great as a busy mom I would still love to try it. So please leave a comment below if you have a must try dry shampoo suggestion.
