My baby making experience

No this isn't about baby making like that! Get your mind out of the gutter! What I mean is this strange, magical, and often gross task of bringing a baby into the world. When we are children we pick up certain things about pregnancy. For starters babies are always covered in either drool or poop or both, when we are old enough we learn where on our bodies bring babies into the world, and we learn in school that it takes 9 months to grow a baby. Can you guess whitch of these turns out to be a big fat lie? Pregnancy is actually closer to 10 months!! Yes 10 of them. When you get pregnant you think ok I can do 9 months then when you add on a couple more weeks it suddenly seems like a monumental task. There's also other things you never hear of its like a big community conspiracy to make you seem like its all rainbows and butterflies. Its unlikely anyone would have bothered to mention things like what an episiotomy is in health class. Or that morning sickness lasts all day and even into the night (for some people i.e. me). I was unfortunate enough to not have a unicorn pregnancy where I constantly have huge bursts of energy, no stretch marks, or I cook everything in the house because I'm so happy/hungry. My pregnancies were more like me and my face swelling up to unrecognizable proportions and lying on the bathroom floor praying for it to be over.

With my son I had zero energy I was a housekeeper at the time whitch happened to have its benefits. There was always a bathroom near by for me to throw up in, and no one was around to see me. The downfalls of this were I was so sick and lethargic that my doctor kept insisting I go on sick leave because sometimes it was hard to even move never mind that smelling coffee and cleaners is a pregnant women's worst nightmare. I ended up leaving work months earlier than intended and this meant being at home in our new house that was being renovated and painted. I gained 60 stinking pounds and my son was a week over due so I was induced.

I had over prepared myself for every possible scenario with labour and delivery and was up for anything(except for an epidural because that is terrifying like hello that's my spine!) I dragged myself out of bed at 5 in the morning had some eggs and toast, puked and made my way to the hospital. My mom and husband were going to be in the room with me so they were right there waiting, and when everyone else in the family woke up they all headed to the hospitals waiting room. I tried my best to sleep but with all the nervousness there was no way that was going to happen I was so anxious to meet my son. The morning progressed to afternoon, then to early evening and I started to think what the crap this is never going to happen. I had slight tightening contractions whitch I got through by writing long words with my fingers. Where I got this from I have no idea but Lamborghini, spaghetti, and imagination were some of my new friends distracting me. My hubby also disappeared all day to hang out in the waiting room with our families while me and my mom sat super bored all day. When it was finally time to push I felt a slight urge and we got started. I never had any drugs because by some miracle I was having a pain free child birth something I never knew existed. After an hour of pushing a lot of ice water (I was suddenly super dehydrated) and me not really getting anywhere I had 2 options vacuum or C-section. I didn't really like any of those but my doctor stressed the importance of getting him out now and I opted for the vacuum. Once again no pain until the final push to the finish with the vacuum and holy heck I almost passed out everything went black and I literally saw stars. A couple of seconds later I look down and they placed the most beautiful thing on my belly my sweet amazing son named after my papa (grandfather). I was so overcome with emotions and everything they say about this part is 1000% true the pain disappeared in an instant because there is no feeling like that instant love I saw squished up in front of me. Then in the next minute they took him away from me they laid him in a bed while lucky me got stitched up from the stinking vacuum (whitch hurts like a mother) and he laid there alone for a minute. I kept saying someone pick him up. Sean (my hubby) pick him up! I must have been a little exhausted because he was clearly getting cleaned up before I got him back. A week overdue, 8 pounds 5 ounces and 21 inches of sweet baby boy. To this day my son is a representation of my labour with him. He needs a little patience, cares about others being hurt and is such a mommy's boy. I'm blessed for every minute I get look down on him and feel my heart swell.

With my daughter the doctors thought she was very sick and underweight so for the first 5 months of my pregnancy with her I cried, worried, went through amnios, blood work, took countless "morning sick" drives to our major hospital, bit my nails, and prayed a lot. It turned out the fluid they thought they saw on the back of her neck was little rolls of skin like that on a puppy and she was in no way a tiny little love bug at 7 pounds, 10 ounces and 20 3/4 inches she was perfectly developed and absolutely beautiful. My pregnancy with her was a lot alike but also a lot different, with her I lost 15 pounds from the constant sickness my mom had to help me take care of my son ALOT because no matter what remedy I tried I was still sick. I had hyperemesis gravidarum with both children whitch basically means a dangerous amount of morning sickness. With her however it was much worse. And she really made me work to bring her into the world as well at 1am on her due date I went into labour with her and it immediately felt different. When we got to the hospital the pain was quickly progressing and the only way I could get any relief was by walking around. The nurse decided I shouldn't be walking around and made me get back in bed whitch caused excruciating pain. I really disliked her for it and still do, to top it all off my husband went to the store to get me a bagel and chocolate milk and came back with just a bagel. He then proceeded to refuse to go back and get me my chocolate milk whitch I still strongly hold against him today. Common I was having your baby hubs all you had to do was buy milk! :P 6 1/2 hours of labour later I was holding a slimy scratched up beautiful little girl. She made me work for it but I managed drug free to make it to the finish line and collect my prize.  She is today very outspoken, loud, sweet, snuggly, and crazy. She lost her little puppy fat way too soon in my opinion and she always makes herself known, just like in my pregnancy with her. I'm so blessed to say the tears sickness and pain were beyond worth it.

Pregnancy is not easy its not pretty and its bound to be the opposite of what you'll imagine, but if your blessed enough to have the chance to experience it, it will be well worth the long stretch to the finish.



Share your pregnancy and labour experience in the comments below! Was it what you anticipated?
