15 Versatile Vinegar uses for any mommy

There is few household items that are as versatile as white vinegar. It cleans, disinfects, deodorizes, is child safe, and at around $2.00 for a large jug its also one of the most cost effective items in your home. Most uses require the vinegar to be heavily diluted so you get at least twice the amount out of one jug. Here is some of the things we use vinegar for at my house and I highly recommend these uses to any thrifty mommy.

1) Glass Cleaner-
Mix equal part vinegar with hot or warm water. Spray or wipe onto windows with a washcloth and then dry with paper towels. This makes clear streak free windows fit for any palace.

2) Floors-
Mix 1/2 cup of vinegar with 1/2 gallon of hot or warm water. In my opinion the hotter the better, mop the mixture onto your floors to disinfect and clean spotless. You can use a sponge to spot clean or a scrubby brush to clean tile grout.

3) Removing water marks-
Mix equal parts vinegar and olive oil and rub onto water marks on wood surfaces. Rub with the grain for best results and polish.

4) Deodorizing Drains-
I use vinegar in my kitchen and bathroom drains about once a week to keep them clean and fresh. Pour a cup of vinegar down the drain and let set for 30 minutes. Rinse with cold water and voila! This is really great if you find your having a mysterious fruit fly problem, they can live in your drains and this will kill any bacteria they'd like to live on/off of.

5) Refrigerator and microwave-
This is one of my favourites because when dealing with food products you really don't want to be using heavy chemicals to clean around them, at least now you don't have to. Mix 1 cup vinegar with 1/2 Gallon water, use a sponge to wipe out the fridge or microwave and dry with a cloth in the microwave, as long as its not excessively wet you do not need to do the same with the fridge. This will Clean, Disinfect, and deodorize all at the same time. (There is also a version of this where you mix 1/4 cup vinegar with 1 cup water and microwave for one minute and wipe up the drippings. I have done this and I don't find it effective because its still greasy and you still have to wipe it with my vinegar mixture after.)

6) Towel and Washing Machine Deodorizer-
This is a longer process but so worth it. If you've ever noticed your towels have gained a musty smell and no matter how much detergent you add you just can't get it out this trick is for you. This is really common and its actually caused from all the chemicals that have taken root in your towels so the more that you add laundry soap the less good your doing your towels. You can take your towels back to day 1 using this mixture: Run your towels in very hot water for 1 hour use 1 cup of vinegar and 1/2 cup of baking soda where you would normally use your detergent. Do not use detergent at all for this load dry them as usual and you've got towels fresh and good as new.

7) Removing stickers-
With 2 children in my house who love craft supplies its not at all uncommon to find stickers stuck to my floors or windows, or who knows where else. Soak the stickers with undiluted vinegar and let it sit for a few minutes after that it should peel off with no residue left behind.

8) Home pedicure-
Combine 1 cup white distilled vinegar to 2 gallons warm water.  Soak feet for 45 minutes then use a pumice stone or file to remove dead skin from heels and callused areas of feet. you can also add a half cup of clear mouthwash for extra effectiveness.

9) DVD Saviour-
If you have a DVD that skips of freezes with minor scratches wipe it with vinegar and dry with a soft cloth. This trick works wonders!

10) Colouring Easter Eggs-
Mix 1 teaspoon of vinegar with each ½ cup of hot water, then add food coloring. Vinegar keeps the food dyes bright and prevents streaky colors.

11) Cutting Board-
Clean and disinfect your cutting board by wiping it down with undiluted vinegar.

12) Bathroom-
I use vinegar to clean my entire bathroom. Inside the toilet I will use a cleaner just to be safe but you can get the same effect by adding some vinegar and letting it sit for 10-15 minutes. I use it top to bottom but with help on stubborn bath rings I add a little baking soda for that extra grip. This will clean, disinfect, deodorize, and shine!

13) Keep Flowers Fresh-
Mix 2 tablespoons sugar and 2 tablespoons white vinegar in a vase of water.  Trim flower stems and change water every five days.

14) Weed Killer-
Spray undiluted vinegar onto weeds and continue to spray on new growth until the plants give up the fight!

15) Freshen Lunch Boxes-
To get that yucky stale smell out of my families lunch boxes I dip a piece of bread into undiluted vinegar and let it sit overnight. You can also wipe it out with vinegar if your short on time the vinegar smell will be a little stronger but it will still be effective.

I hope you'll try out my tips, my family lives by them sparkly clean!
