Don't be afraid, You deserve what you've paid ~How and where to ask for quality

So recently we went shopping at a local liquidation store and they had the teenage mutant ninja turtle secret sewer lair for less than half price! If you know my son then you'll know this is a major score for Christmas (Yes I said Christmas, and Yes I know it's august.) so I snatched it right up. When we got home I took it out of the outer box to store it away because it was too big to put anywhere super sneaky and we didn't want him to spot it. When I did I noticed there were no instructions and the stickers were missing. Now you may think that's what happens when you buy things liquidated but no. It was supposed to be a new unopened product so immediately I looked up the company who makes them online and requested they send me new ones. They got back to me almost immediately and are sending instructions stickers, and have assured me if any parts are missing they will send them out promptly. Now Christmas morning my son will be playing with a perfect condition secret sewer lair playset I got an amazing deal on and everyone wins.

When you purchase something and all the pieces aren't there, or it breaks within a week, or it doesn't operate the way you hoped it's important to speak up. Companies depend on there consumers to dictate to them the quality they expect and when you demand that quality your living up to your side of the deal. There's a lot of ways you can get in touch with different companies to let them know they let you down or ask for a wrong to be righted but there is 2 that I find incredibly helpful without wasting my time or theirs. You always start by searching the product to make sure your reaching the manufacturer or major distributer. Then find the contact us, or FAQ section on there website and send them an email. If its a major brand they usually have a Facebook page and that's my second best suggestion for a quick response. You may think I would say to call them but usually when taking that route it can be really time consuming and frustrating when you end up with a customer service representative that is not the best representation of the brand. When you email them you don't have to get into crazy detail just tell them what product it is when you purchased it and what the issue is if they need more information they will ask for it there's no need to write a long story. Also always include your mailing address at the bottom because most of the time they will immediately respond to resolve the issue rather than a trail of back and forth emails.

Something important to remember is to go to the right place with your complaint. If the issue isn't something that is the products issue but rather the store may have mishandled then returning the product or contacting the store is going to get you further than contacting the company that has no knowledge of the issue. An example of this is a box of popcorn, If an employee managed to slash open the side of the box while opening it in store and the popcorn got "popped" then you would contact the store, but if the bag of popcorn simply wouldn't pop in the microwave for no visible reason you would contact the company. Yes even things as small as popcorn deserve to be brought up if it doesn't satisfy the consumer.
The last thing I'm going to comment on is if you've had a really amazing experience with a company stepping up to the plate let them know it! Send them a thank you email or write a rave review on there Facebook page. Vice versa when they refuse to help you, are rude or disrespectful, or simply stand by a product that didn't serve its purpose blaming a user error when you clearly know there wasn't one. So don't be afraid if you get something on sale, or if a product didn't come with a warranty. The warranty should be what the customer expects out of a product at least to a degree.
