Off! Clip On

I received the Off! Clip On through Sample Source to try and review. I was extremely happy to have this chance because me and my family were headed up north for a week and for most of it we were staying at a cabin in the woods. If your familiar with the Bruce Peninsula your probably familiar with the trillions of mosquitoes that love to attack juicy campers. It arrived in a box containing the sealed package with one cartridge and a little coupon book for purchasing other Off! products. Once I opened it I saw it has 2 triple A batteries in a sliding latch at the top and a clip that can turn to either side so that it can adapt for wherever you need to clip it. It also lifts up on the front so you can change the cartridge that goes in front of a little fan, and it has a little on off switch on the front. The cartridge itself goes in really easily and its individually wrapped so it'll stay fresh till you need it.

 My daughter is allergic to mosquitoes and every time she gets a bite it swells up huge and she gets red irritated skin so for us the first priority was bug protection. We were surrounded by trees and beaches on either side of us so there was immediately lots of mosquitoes looking for fresh meat, we unpacked the car and I opened up this baby! I snapped it onto my shorts and the clip part was good it stayed on without being to tight awkward or uncomfortable.

I turned on the Clip On and it basically activates a small fan that blows the cartridge through it releasing the bug repellant into the air. I definatly did not think that the fan was strong enough. You can feel a small cooling sensation that is the tiny fan and hear a very quiet whir. Yet to my surprise the mosquitoes actually evacuated! I went from being a picnic lunch to being untouched. I put it through a few tests however. After trying it on me I put it on the back of my daughters chair and her and my son were sitting side by side and the awesome results were duplicated we really hardly even noticed any mosquitoes the whole time we were there. My only concern came with the third and accidental test. My son put the cartridge at the end of the picnic table when we called him to dinner and I didn't realize he had left it on. I noticed a mosquito fly over the table and when it got near the Off! Clip On it dropped dead. This was a little weird because while I realized the mosquitoes were being repelled I didn't know they were dying from it and it just made me wonder how safe the bug repellant is for us. It was immediately turned off and we went back to putting it on the back of chairs rather than on ourselves or near any kind of food.

 It did work great we used it off and on for 2 days before the battery was so low it wasn't having any affect anymore, it says on the packaging it has 11 hours of life for a cartridge that seems to be the same for the batteries. Based on its effectiveness I would definatly buy it for use like this maybe bring some extra batteries and just be cautious of how you choose to use it for us it worked great and I'm happy we got the chance to try it, It definatly made the great outdoors a little more people friendly.

@SampleSource #Off! #ClipOn #MosquitosOrMen #NotYourNextMeal #BugSpray #Glamping #Camping
