DIY Scentsy Firestarters

So I saw this recipe on FB for homemade fire starters where you take an ice cube tray fill it with dryer lint and pour melted wax over the top. You then let it harden and voila you have Campfire Starters that are supposed to work even in the rain. Well I had 2 problems with this one it seems kind of messy to use a perfectly good ice cube tray and pour wax all over it making more dishes and 2 you have to save up your dryer lint in order to get enough to do a full tray. Next I was thinking so you melt a pot of wax... that's really wasteful. But then I thought well you could use wax melts hmmm....  then I decided to do it myself my way the DIY money-saving recycling way! So here it is tried and tested....

I started with my Scentsy warmers, I have 3 but this is one my henna warmer. I used it with my favorite wax melts as I usually would and melted the wax over a couple of days until the scent was gone. Then I grabbed the lint out of my dryer trap to empty it and placed it into the wax until most of the lint was covered. I turned off my warmer and let the wax/lint mixture absorb so it could become a solid melt. Once it was done it looked like this.
I made several of these leading up to our camping trip costing me absolutely nothing and better yet reusing items that would otherwise be thrown away. As you can see in the picture the wood the campground sold us was a little wet and try as it may it just refused to burn.
I placed the Scentsy melt in the middle up against the right side of the log and lit it with a barbeque lighter. It caught fire almost immediately. It melted down and coated the wood with wax and it caught fire really quickly!! I was super impressed with myself of course and suddenly feeling very toasty and I could smell a faint scent left over in the Scentsy Fire starters so that was an added bonus.

Over the course of a week we lit several fires using the fire starters I made and sometimes it took 2 melts but it always got the job done. Variations on this DIY can include:
  using cottonballs instead of  lint
using any kind of wax melt
or using bags of wax from the dollar store and melting them down.
I do recommend doing it the way shown because I spent nothing and saved some things from the garbage definatly a win-win in my books!! Happy Camping!!
#Glamping #Scentsy #StartMyFire #DIYFireStarter #CampOut #Bonfire #Campfire
